työmarkkinajohtaja +358 500 408 904 elina.nissi@medialiitto.fi. Heli Manninen. asiantuntija, työmarkkinat +358 50 340 6901 anne.rantasuo@medialiitto.fi 


Elina Rantasuo. Teacher-developer (2019-2021) new media art and contemporary art elina.rantasuo@hel.fi 09 310 25867, 040 186 7582. niina huovinen. Costumes niina

70 likes · 1 talking about this. Vihreä kuntavaaliehdokas Turussa haluaa edistää kestävää arkea ja yhdenvertaisia mahdollisuuksia hyvään tulevaisuuteen myös niille, joiden oma Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s I got on a train and took the corner to all the people I would have liked to see the exhibition. I sent photos. Every morning a computer automatically checks for updates and projects the images next to the corner.

Elina rantasuo

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Filmed during the construction of a clay&straw pizza oven for the PAGAN VEGAN screening event 23.8.2019. Images: Matias Piispanen. IMPROVISING BRICKS. Short documentation of a durational art piece during Rehearsing Hospitalities.

Elina Rantasuo’s works were exhibited at the tiny gallery near my work (it’s a shame to miss even one of their exhibitions as I walk by almost every day). The atmosphere was somehow fiction kind of down-to-earth, a bit spooky even. I felt pretty claustrophobic in the room with “moving moss” as the title suggests.

kati karvonen. kurssisuunnittelija 2012-12-11 · Elina Rantasuo’s works were exhibited at the tiny gallery near my work (it’s a shame to miss even one of their exhibitions as I walk by almost every day).

For Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities , Museum of Impossible Forms will non-perform ‘ A series of soft gestures towards Hospitality ’ These gestures will be the result of direct/indirect collaborations between Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Museum of Impossible Forms, nynnyt (consisting of Or

Elina rantasuo

I felt pretty claustrophobic in the room with “moving moss” as the title suggests. 422 Followers, 589 Following, 58 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from @elinarantasuo Kissed by Fire, 2014 animation and video 4:30 min.

0. Login Sign Up Upload. Elina.Rantasuo Follow Following Unfollow Report user 0 Followers 2 Followings Navigation. Summary 0 Models Elina Rantasuo. Teacher-developer (2019-2021) new media art and contemporary art elina.rantasuo@hel.fi 09 310 25867, 040 186 7582. niina huovinen.
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Elina Rantasuo captures in her lithography attraction of human mind to the boarder of cognizable and unknown. Some kind of fear from an unknown reality that can be captured by drawing a picture or giving a name to it. She does this very skilfully using the tools she has chosen herself. In Kuopio, the artistic planning and direction are lead by artist Timo Kokko, and in Helsinki by artist and Annantalo art educator Elina Rantasuo. The participants in the KELP!

Who on earth moved? A jungle trail full of experiences invites you on an atmospheric adventure. A variety of fascinating … I got on a train and took the corner to all the people I would have liked to see the exhibition. I sent photos.
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Elina Rantasuo’s works were exhibited at the tiny gallery near my work (it’s a shame to miss even one of their exhibitions as I walk by almost every day). The atmosphere was somehow fiction kind of down-to-earth, a bit spooky even. I felt pretty claustrophobic in the room with “moving moss” as the title suggests.

Elina.Rantasuo Follow Following Unfollow Report user 0 Followers 2 Followings Navigation. Summary 0 Models Elina Rantasuo. Teacher-developer (2019-2021) new media art and contemporary art elina.rantasuo@hel.fi 09 310 25867, 040 186 7582. niina huovinen. Costumes niina.huovinen@hel.fi 09 310 37911, 040 192 4850.